Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cut up the credit cards

Our "Representatives" need their credit cards cut up. Have you ever actually looked at how much debt they've run up? If you are the type that runs wild with credit card in hand with no worries about when the bill is going to come due, then you probably don't really care. If, however, you're the type that uses credit wisely, or even actually pays cash for what you purchase, then this must bother you to.

Currently, the amount of money our "Representatives" have put us on the hook for is more than 50% of the amount of money our businesses generate in a year. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_public_debt
The debt keeps piling up too. The government just keeps spending like there is no tomorrow. If they keep it up, there will be no tomorrow, in a financial sense.
What's the solution? VOTE THE BUMS OUT NOW. Let the rest of our "Representatives" understand that they can not keep spending away the future of the country.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Crisis du jour

Have you noticed how many "crisis's" there are? There's the "Global Warming Crisis", the "Education Crisis", the "Poverty Crisis" and our latest, the "Economic Crisis". In this crisis, we are told that unless the politicians pass the obscene spending bill they just passed, that bad things were going to happen. What bad things? They couldn't be specific, but definitely "bad things" unless they act "RIGHT NOW". No time to think, no time to debate, ACT NOW!

So, say you come in to the hospital bleeding from the artery in your neck, the doctor looks at you and says, "we must ACT NOW because your condition is a "crisis". Then, he tries putting a band aid on the bleeding but it falls off. He then suddenly looks at his calendar and exclaims, "It's a holiday, I'll get back to your crisis in a day or so."
That's pretty much what our "Representatives did. They tried to pass a bill, the people screamed NO! It didn't pass but they said they really need to do something because of the "crisis". Oh, but, it's a holiday, so we'll get back to this in a couple days.

What a load of crap.

Every time the politicians want to fleece the general public, they invent another crisis to get everyone stirred up and make it seem action is necessary. Well, from the public outcry of this last fleecing, I think everyone is waking up. Well don't fall asleep again. VOTE THE BUMS OUT NOW.

Take back the government from professional politicians. Elect people that have had experience in life and have a taste of how the real world works for the real people out here. That's what I'm going to do.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Representative Republic

We live in a "Representative Republic". That is, we elect people to "represent us" and do the country's business in our behalf. This, while we live our lives, create businesses, work at our jobs, play at our play. After the most recent bill, the "wall street bail out", was passed, it is clear that we no longer have any representation in Washington. I talk to many people. Every single one thinks the bail out is a bad idea. To top it off, our "representatives" added $125 billion in pork to bribe enough representatives to vote for it.


In this next election cycle, let no incumbent remain in office. Let's send a message to the remaining "representatives". "Do the will of the people, or look for new employment".

If the remaining "representatives" do not get the message and repeal this social injustice, we can begin the recall process and clean out the rest of the house and senate. Can it be done? If California could recall its Governor, we can clean up the rest of government in a couple years. More to follow...